Industrial First, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for all of its employees. Safety compliance is not considered to be an “extra cost” as it is in some companies. OSHA Compliance Training is viewed as a necessary component in the composition of a successful project such as labor, materials, and equipment.

This becomes especially critical when the customer is depending upon the qualifications of our workforce. We endeavor to ensure that our workers meet the highest qualification standards in the industry. The company employs a strategy of proactive approach to safety making it a priority. This is precisely why all Industrial First, Inc. labor staff members receive the following training prior to work in the field:

Initial Comprehensive Safety Orientation:

  1. General Work Rules regarding responsible behavior(s) and prohibited actions, reporting unsafe work conditions, site inspections, the requirements for specialized training for specific equipment types, road rage preparedness, emergency procedures, and the corporate disciplinary policy.
  2. Hazard Communication/SDS training including routes of entry, types of hazards, labelling, the new GHS standard requirements, physical and chemical hazards, and silica/lead/asbestos awareness.
  3. Fire Prevention including fire extinguisher usage, types of fire extinguishers, testing requirements, and a worker’s role with a fire extinguisher.
  4. Electrical Safety for small tools and temporary power, mandatory GFCI usage, lockout-tagout, with an emphasis on the potential for arc flash events.
  5. Personal Protective Equipment inspection, usage, maintenance, and disposal.
  6. Fall Protection Systems design/inspection/installation, anchorage point requirements, the use of hole covers, ladder usage, scaffold requirements, and fall protection recovery methods.
  7. First Aid/Bloodborne Pathogen training including potential biohazards in the workplace, the worker’s role in administering first aid, emergency services contact, and disposal of biohazardous waste.
  8. Confined Space Entry permit procedures, entry and attendant training, testing for hazardous atmospheres, emergency rescue procedures, forms of communication, and explanation of assigned roles.
  9. Trenching and Excavations potential hazards, hazardous atmospheres, soil types, protective systems, mandatory spoil setback, Call Before You Dig – 811, benching/sloping/shoring/shielding, and pre-entry inspections.
  10. Crane Rigging and Signals including the requirements for a pre-lift meeting,identification of overhead contact and electrical hazards, swing radius protection, voltage verification with utility providers, assured distance requirements, and coordination of work with other affected parties.
  11. Drug Testing and Injury Reporting Procedures

This initial training is supplemented with weekly toolbox training topics and monthly training topics companywide as a form of ongoing update training. Our field staff members have completed OSHA Construction 10 Hour Outreach safety training and all foremen have completed OSHA Construction 30 hour Outreach safety training.

Additionally, the company offers more in-depth specialized training specifically suited to the individual requirements of the worker’s role at Industrial First, Inc. Some of these classes include:

  • Industrial Powered Truck/Rough Terrain Forklift Operation
  • Aerial and Scissors Lift Operation
  • CPR/First Aid/AED
  • Qualified Signaler and Rigging Crane (OSHA Subpart CC)
  • Arc Flash Protection Procedures for Electricians
  • Driver Safety

Industrial First, Inc. also conducts unannounced safety audits and inspections at all of its project sites on a continuous basis to verify that all procedures and protocols are being followed. Continuous improvement and quality control in all phases of the construction process is our goal. Safety is one of those phases at Industrial First, Inc. And, in safety, a few well-considered proactive efforts can eliminate the necessity for many reactive actions in the future!